Speaking in my presentation about the power of small deeds daily in our lives, I heard this powerful story from an audience member on a quiet afternoon. It is an example of how a small, courageous deed from a suffering person can immensely affect the lives of people they will probably never meet.
A date long ago, in 1943, the air war over Europe was being fought in which a quarter of a million young people would die. Allied bombers were strategically hitting German targets to weaken their industries before the coming invasion the following year.
On one mission, an American B17 ‘Flying Fortress’ was on a raid when it was hit by a steady stream of anti-aircraft fire. However, the crippled plane surprisingly made it back to allied territory, and the crew survived the encounter.
The intriguing fact was how the bomber had received several direct hits in the fuel tank from the German anti-aircraft shells full of explosive incendiary devices and survived the trip. From the first inspection, the damages incurred should have caused the aircraft to explode in mid-air and kill the entire crew.
On further inspection, it was revealed that the devices had not exploded inside the tank at all; in fact, no explosive materials were present. Instead of explosive materials, inside the casing of the device were notes scribbled in Czech, written by slave labourers at the weapons factories. The notes said, ’ This is all we can do for you right now.’
We do not always know the effect we are having by performing small acts of courage and generosity. What many fail to realise is that it is the little things in life that make a life. Little things matter. Little things make lives and destroy lives.
It is a shame that it often takes a real crisis to bring out our best in generosity and comradery. In those moments, we realise our need for each other and that we are all on this small ball flying through space together. In many ways, it is good that we don’t receive every accolade for every good work as it only feeds a ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude.
In a world that fears acts of terrorism, let’s try to be terrorists of goodness by performing positive, anonymous, spontaneous, and unacknowledged acts of mercy and selflessness for those who least expect it. Let’s step out and challenge our ignorance and change someone’s day. Science tells us that there is even a chemical reward in the brain that occurs when we volunteer or provide assistance to others.
Regardless of the source of this mechanism, it is a physiological reminder aimed at helping us contribute to the development of our communities and providing those sweet moments when someone helps us without reward, and once again, we realise that the world is a good place, and so are most of its people.
We humans often seek out things that reinforce our beliefs and eventually interpret new evidence as confirmation of our theories. Look for kindness; find people doing their own random acts of kindness.
This week, do something radical, push out and reach out. Don’t just do what is expected. Do a genuine and random act of kindness that will leave someone reeling with surprise. You might find the world a different place afterwards.
Remember that being different is our biggest asset and we don’t have to be like everyone else. If you need a keynote speaker or presenter on neurodiversity, private message me today to book your next presentation.
Thanks for reading! I’d love you to share your thoughts in the comment space below!
Dave Brebner.

As a neurodiverse public speaker and presenter, Dave Brebner specialises in using educational neuroscience to explore pathways for professionals and engage in inclusive discussions for diverse audiences. Living with Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorders since an early age, he is married with six children and one grandchild. He recently added a Master of Educational Neuroscience to his qualifications to further deepen his understanding of the neurodiverse mind, including his qualifications in Trades & Training, Adult Education, Vocational and Workplace Training, and a Master of Education degree in Career Development. Dave is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia, and you can learn more about Dave’s work at www.davebrebner.com.
You can view or book an event at your school or workplace! Get in contact with me.
I also give larger presentations at symposiums, conferences, and exhibitions, sharing my story and an Australian perspective on positive ways to beat the stigma of Tourette’s Syndrome.
#motivation #careers #gettingthingsdone #educationandschools #success #difference #youngadults #careercounselling #successions
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