Breaking the Limits

Many great leaders were unpopular and considered social, technological or spiritual heretics for their views when they challenged the accepted thinking of their times.

There are times when going against the advice of those in places of authority is foolish and in poor judgement. It may be going against the obvious hard won experience of ‘elders’ who have trodden the path on which we wish to embark.
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Creating Contentment

It is often a personal internal change that brings about a change in our outside worlds.

We hear people cry out for peace on earth but they are neglecting peace with their neighbours, relatives, and co-workers. The fact is that peace starts on the inside of our person and without it, there is no peace on the outside. I observe that most of the conflict in the world comes by comparing each other’s ‘stuff’.
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Rising Potential

What is potential? I like the definition that is an untapped energy source or a latent ability that can be developed and lifted.

When have we reached our potential? I do not know if anyone can answer that question. With ideal conditions, we may have gone further in our goals. Maybe though, the obstacles that got in our way were actually catalysts to strengthen us to push on further.
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Good Advice v Opinion

It is amazing how often people have an opinion to share these days.

When I was younger, people would often listen to a discussion on a subject they knew little about and were interested to hear other people’s views.

These days, with the advent of mass media and the digital age, so many think they are informed about things and want to advise you.
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Changing Outcomes

In the relatively new science of brain elasticity, it has been shown that we have the power to change our brains, even physically! Our neurons are constantly being renewed and pathways of habits and opinions are constantly being formed, reformed and re-enforced.

Backing up new ways of thinking with actions that support the ideas helps solidify the mindset.
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Losing Control

In the small town of Enterprise, Alabama there is a monument to an unusual hero on the corner of a main street which celebrates the true story of curse being viewed as an opportunity.

Erected by the people of the town in 1919, the stone plaque is dedicated to a highly destructive insect, the ‘Boll Weevil’.

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